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By: Roni Sharif H. Class: 1c A. Definition of the Laity By universal education can be defined as a way to develop skills, habits and Attit...
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Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011
A. Definition of the Laity
By universal education can be defined as a way to develop skills, habits and Attitudes That are expected dapatmembuat one Becomes a good citizen, the intent to develop or alter cognition, affection and someone konasi
B. According to the Dictionary and Encyclopedia
Indonesian Big 1.Kamus
Education is the process of changing one's attitude and code of conduct ataukelompok people dl mature business man through the Efforts of teaching and training; process, of making educational Airways.
2.Ensiklopedi Wikipedia
Education is a social science teaching and learning encompasses That specific knowledge, beliefs, and skills. The word education is derived from the Latin Educare meaning "to raise", "to bring up", "to train", "to rear", via "educatio / nis", Bringing Up, raising
C. According to the National Education System Law No.. UndangUU. 2 of 1989
: "Education is the conscious effort to prepare students through mentoring, teaching, and / training for Their role in the future".
The National Education Law no. 20 of 2003
: "Education is danterencana conscious effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so That Learners are actively developing the potential for him to memilikikekuatan religious spiritual, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and the skills needed themselves and society ".
5.Ki Hajar Dewantara
Education is every effort to advance the character, physical pikiranserta child in order to advance the perfection of the which is living life in harmony with child danmenghidupkan nature and society.
To educate is to Provide debriefing That does not exist in childhood, but is needed in Adulthood.
Education is a fundamental and systematic effort to Achieve the level hidupdan ledih good progress.
Freire 8.Paulo
Education is the path to liberation is permanent and consist of two stages. The first stage is the period in the which to Become conscious of Their release, That the which through praxis transform state. Keduadibangun stage of the first stage, and is a Process That frees tindakankultural.
9.John Dewey
Education is a process of renewal of the meaning of experience, That Will Probably one occur in the ordinary association or association of people dewasadengan young people, may also occur in a deliberate and institutionalized to generate social sustainability. This process involves the oversight and development of minors and the group in the which he lived.
10.H. Horne
Education is a continuous process (lasting) of yanglebih height adjustment for the WHO Human Beings have been physically developed danmental, WHO Freely and consciously to God, as manifested in alamsekitar intellectual, emotional and humanity of manusia.3
11.Frederick J. Mc Donald
Education is a process or activity directed to merubahtabiat That Is.
12.Ahmad D. Marimba
Education is the conscious guidance or leadership by educators to the development of physical and spiritual well-educated toward terbentuknyakepribadian primaries.
Education is humanizing a young man, meaning young pengangkatanmanusia the human stage. This is manifest in all perbuatanmendidik.
14.Sir Godfrey Thomson
Education is the influence of environment on individuals to Produce tingkahlakun permanent changes in habits, thoughts, dams sifatnya.F.
According to the definition of Psychological Science
Dalan educational psychology can be defined as any activity That Will ease in social life, with hasilmencakup That any changes occur as a consequence or result of individuals' participation in learning activities.
G. Conclusion
From the above statement can be concluded That education adalahusaha conscious and planned to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process or training so That Their Learners can actively develop own potentials in order to have the spiritual strength of religious, emotional, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and her skills and community needed.
From some understanding of education in the above, it can be concluded bahwaterjadi differences in interpretation the between the experts of education. This disebabkankarena scope of education is so luas.Terlepas of Various definitions of education expressed by paraahli, it can be concluded That education contains the following elements:
1. business
Contain elements of business education. It is Necessary for the purpose mencapaisebuah planned.
2. destination
Education must have a clear purpose. This diperlukanuntuk focused the education system is in progress.
3. environmental
Education must have a Certain environments. Without adanyalingkungan, then education will of the run dengantidak ongoing basis.
4. deliberate
Education is an activity That is done deliberately and consciously.
Understanding Education According to the Act and the Experts
Here are some terms Pedidikan under the Act and the experts I quoted from several sources.
1. According to the National Education Law Education =
Book title = Basic Concept of Moral Education
In 2003, Page 1
Publisher = ALFABETA
Education is the conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the spiritual strength of religious, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and the skills needed themselves, society, nation and State.
2. According to Education Carter V. = Good
Book title = Basic Concept of Moral Education
In 1977, Page 1
Publisher = ALFABETA
Education is the process of development of one's prowess in the form of attitudes and behaviors that prevail in society. Social process in which a person is affected by something that guided the environment (especially at school) so yes can achieve social skills and developing personality.
3. According to Godfrey Thomson Education =
Book title = Basic Concept of Moral Education
In 1977, Page 2
Publisher = ALFABETA
Education is the influence of environment on individuals to produce the appropriate changes in the habits of behavior, the thought and feelings.
4. According to UNESCO's education =
Book title = Basic Concept of Moral Education
In 1999, Page 2
Publisher = ALFABETA
UNESCO states that: "education is now engaged is preparinment for a tife
The which the Society does not yet exist "or that education now is to prepare men for a type of society that still does not exist. The concept of the education system may be changed in accordance with community development and transfer of cultural values (the transfer of culture value). The concept of education today can not be separated from the education that should be in accordance with the demands of the educational needs of past, present, and future.
5. According Education = Thedore Brameld
Book title = Basic Concept of Moral Education
In 1999, Page 2
Publisher = ALFABETA
''Education as power means copetent and strong enough to enable us, the majority of people, to Decide what kind of a world''. (Education as a means to have authority and power strong enough for us, for many people to determine what kind of a world that we want and the kind where achieving such a purpose).
6. According Education = Thedore Brameld
Book title = Basic Concept of Moral Education
In 1999, Page 2
Publisher = ALFABETA
Robert W. Richey stated that: The term "Education" refers to the broad funcition of preserving and Improving the life of the group through Bringing new members into its shared concem. Education is thus a far broader process than the which That Occurs in schools. It is an essential social activity by the which communities continue to exist. Communities in this function is specialzed and institutionalized in formal education, but there is always the education, out-side the school with the which the formal process is related. (The term education contains extensive functions of the breeder and the improvement of the life of a society, especially bringing citizens who are new to shared responsibility in society. So education is a broader process than the process that goes on in school. Education is an activity enabling social communities exist and thrive. In a complex society, the function of this educational specialization and institutional experience with formal education are always keeping in touch with the process of informal education outside of school).
Similarly, some notion of "education" according to experts. May be useful for the progress of our education. Regards Education | Come Share!
Definition of Education
In Big Indonesian Dictionary, is derived from the basic education tuition (educate), namely: to maintain and provide training (teaching, leadership) on the character and intelligence of the mind. While education has a meaning: the process of changing attitudes and code of conduct a person or group of people in human mature businesses through the efforts of the teaching and practice, the process works, how to teach. Ki Hajar Dewantara defines education as an effort to advance the character, thoughts and physical child in order to advance the perfection of life is alive and brought the boy in harmony with nature and society.
From the etymology and meaning of education in the above analysis, education can be formulated briefly as a guide for human growth from birth until they reached maturity physically and spiritually, in interaction with nature and society.
Education is a continuous process, not stop. In the process of this education, human dignity upheld because humans (who are involved in this education) is a "subject" of - education. Because it is a subject in the education, then demanded a responsibility to achieve a good educational outcomes. If you pay attention to that man as the subject and put education on human nature are paramount, it is necessary to note also the problem of personal autonomy. The point is, man as the subject of education should be free to "exist" as the man himself is a personal, who is responsible.
Was it the result of education? Clearly there is a change in the subjects of education itself. Say a simple language so, there could be no change from the can, from not understanding to understanding. But the changes that occur after the educational process is certainly not as narrow as that. Are not the changes were related to the development of physical and spiritual aspects as well?
Through education people realize the true nature and dignity in an integral relationship with the natural world and each other. That means, it actually directs the education of human beings who become self-conscious and environmentally conscious. Of consciousness was able to renew themselves and their environment without losing the personality and not pulled from the roots of tradition.
Selasa, 27 Desember 2011
Pengertian Pendidikan Menurut UU dan Para Ahli
Pendidikan memang tak lepas dari makna dan definisi. Dalam dunia pendidikan banyak sekali istilah-istilah yang dipakai dan memerlukan pembahasan mengenai hal definisi atau pengertiannya. Pada blog pendidikan ini, Maswins for Educations, sebelum melangkah membahas mengenai pengertian-pengertian istilah dalam dunia pendidikan, ada baiknya jika terlebih dahulu membahas mengenai pengertian pendidikan itu sendiri.
Berikut adalah beberapa pengertian Pedidikan menurut Undang-Undang dan para ahli yang saya kutip dari beberapa sumber.
1. Pendidikan Menurut = UU Sisdiknas
Judul Buku = Dasar Konsep Pendidikan Moral
Tahun 2003, Hal 1
Penerbit = ALFABETA
Pendidikan adalah usaha sadar dan terencana untuk mewujudkan suasana belajar dan proses pembelajaran agar peserta didik secara aktif mengembangkan potensi dirinya untuk memiliki kekuatan spiritual keagamaan, pengendalian diri, kepribadian, kecerdasan, akhlak mulia, serta keterampilan yang diperlukan dirinya, masyarakat, bangsa dan Negara.
2. Pendidikan Menurut = Carter V. Good
Judul Buku = Dasar Konsep Pendidikan Moral
Tahun 1977, Hal 1
Penerbit = ALFABETA
Pendidikan adalah proses perkembangan kecakapan seseorang dalam bentuk sikap dan prilaku yang berlaku dalam masyarakatnya. Proses sosial dimana seseorang dipengaruhi oleh sesuatu lingkungan yang terpimpin (khususnya di sekolah) sehingga iya dapat mencapai kecakapan sosial dan mengembangkan kepribadiannya.
3. Pendidikan Menurut = Godfrey Thomson
Judul Buku = Dasar Konsep Pendidikan Moral
Tahun 1977, Hal 2
Penerbit = ALFABETA
Pendidikan adalah pengaruh lingkungan atas individu untuk menghasilkan perubahan yang tepat didalam kebiasaan tingkah lakunya, pikiranya dan perasaannya.
4. Pendidikan Menurut = UNESCO
Judul Buku = Dasar Konsep Pendidikan Moral
Tahun 1999, Hal 2
Penerbit = ALFABETA
UNESCO menyebutkan bahwa: “education is now engaged is preparinment for a tife
Society which does not yet exist” atau bahwa pendidikan itu sekarang adalah untuk mempersiapkan manusia bagi suatu tipe masyarakat yang masih belum ada. Konsep system pendidikan mungkin saja berubah sesuai dengan perkembangan masyarakat dan pengalihan nilai-nilai kebudayaan (transfer of culture value). Konsep pendidikan saat ini tidak dapat dilepaskan dari pendidikan yang harus sesuai dengan tuntutan kebutuhan pendidikan masa lalu,sekarang,dan masa datang.
5. Pendidikan Menurut = Thedore Brameld
Judul Buku = Dasar Konsep Pendidikan Moral
Tahun 1999, Hal 2
Penerbit = ALFABETA
‘’Education as power means copetent and strong enough to enable us,the majority of people,to decide what kind of a world‘’. (Pendidikan sebagai kekuatan berarti mempunyai kewenangan dan cukup kuat bagi kita, bagi rakyat banyak untuk menentukan suatu dunia yang macam apa yang kita inginkan dan macam mana mencapai tujuan semacam itu).
6. Pendidikan Menurut = Thedore Brameld
Judul Buku = Dasar Konsep Pendidikan Moral
Tahun 1999, Hal 2
Penerbit = ALFABETA
Robert W. richey menyebutkan bahwa; The term “Education” refers to the broad funcition of preserving and improving the life of the group through bringing new members into its shared concem. Education is thus a far broader process than that which occurs in schools. It is an essential social activity by which communities continue to exist. In Communities this function is specialzed and institutionalized in formal education, but there is always the education, out side the school with which the formal process is related. (Istilah pendidikan mengandung fungsi yang luas dari pemelihara dan perbaikan kehidupan suatu masyarakat, terutama membawa warga masyarakat yang baru mengenal tanggung jawab bersama di dalam masyarakat. Jadi pendidikan adalah suatu proses yang lebih luas daripada proses yang berlangsung di dalam sekolah saja. Pendidikan adalah suatu aktivitas sosial yang memungkinkan masyarakat tetap ada dan berkembang. Di dalam masyarakat yang kompleks, fungsi pendidikan ini mengalami spesialisasi dan melembaga dengan pendidikan formal yang senantiasa tetap berhubungan dengan proses pendidikan informal di luar sekolah).
Demikian, beberapa pengertian "Pendidikan" menurut para ahli. Semoga bermanfaat buat kemajuan dunia pendidikan kita. Salam Pendidikan | Ayo Berbagi!!
Definition of Education
We know that there are many definitions of education. This clearly shows that education is seen as being very important, so many people who feel the need to provide a definition - understanding or memaknainya. Education in Greece is a pedagogical sense, namely: the science guiding children. The Romans saw education as Educare, which is issued and guides, action taken to realize the potential of children at birth in the world. The German people see education as an equivalent Erziehung Educare, namely: generating power or activate latent power / potential of children. In the Java language, education means panggulawentah (processing - Red), process, change the psyche, mature feelings, thoughts, wishes and character, changing the personality of the child.
In Big Indonesian Dictionary, is derived from the basic education tuition (educate), namely: to maintain and provide training (teaching, leadership) on the character and intelligence of the mind. While education has a meaning: the process of changing attitudes and code of conduct a person or group of people in human mature businesses through the efforts of the teaching and practice, the process works, how to teach. Ki Hajar Dewantara defines education as an effort to advance the character, thoughts and physical child in order to advance the perfection of life is alive and brought the boy in harmony with nature and society.
From the etymology and meaning of education in the above analysis, education can be formulated briefly as a guide for human growth from birth until they reached maturity physically and spiritually, in interaction with nature and society.
Education is a continuous process, not stop. In the process of this education, human dignity upheld because humans (who are involved in this education) is a "subject" of - education. Because it is a subject in the education, then demanded a responsibility to achieve a good educational outcomes. If you pay attention to that man as the subject and put education on human nature are paramount, it is necessary to note also the problem of personal autonomy. The point is, man as the subject of education should be free to "exist" as the man himself is a personal, who is responsible.
Was it the result of education? Clearly there is a change in the subjects of education itself. Say a simple language so, there could be no change from the can, from not understanding to understanding. But the changes that occur after the educational process is certainly not as narrow as that. Are not the changes were related to the development of physical and spiritual aspects as well?
Through education people realize the true nature and dignity in an integral relationship with the natural world and each other. That means, it actually directs the education of human beings who become self-conscious and environmentally conscious. Of consciousness was able to renew themselves and their environment without losing the personality and not pulled from the roots of tradition.
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